Case study - Education
Project scope
A prominent primary school decided to enhance learning by investing in a deeper
understanding of their students. Alongside the standard aptitude testing and achievement
evaluations that already were in place, they also assessed the personality style,
team role and emotional intelligence of their students.
The challenge
A growing number of educators recognize that students who receive an exclusively
academic education may be ill-equipped for future challenges, both as individuals
and members of society. It is just not enough to feed only the mind.
The primary school teachers have long realised that there is more to academic
and life success than depending on mere IQ, memory and repetition when learning.
They recognised the importance of fusing social and emotional skills enrichment
with that of cognitive development, and were ready and eager to act on it.
At the time many teachers were already applying various techniques to blend
the different development components. However these were often based on practical
experimentation, and lacked empirical backing that is critical in ensuring success.
Our solution
ePsy profiled the personality style, team role and emotional intelligence of
the students, both individually and in class format. The results were matched
and correlated with SAT scores, as well as the academic achievement results of
the students. These aided in positioning the school as a whole, and also assisted
in aligning the classes with the learning objectives set out for that year.
Teachers used their newly-acquired knowledge to strategically organize their
students into work groups. The workgroups were based on models that brought out
complimentary team roles, harmonious personality styles and supporting emotional
In addition, the school board followed through on an ePsy recommendation: They
funded similar assessment of the teaching staff! As part of a personal development
initiative, teachers were trained to match their own profiles with that of their
class and students. This step greatly increased teacher understanding of the effectiveness
of their own teaching styles. Now they could reason why certain students respond
well to them and others less so. The profiles gave them ways of addressing matches
that may not have been optimal before.