Practitioner Support
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Use these attribute descriptions when you interpret EQ-i results
- New!
EQ-i 2.0 scales
Use these attribute descriptions when you interpret EQ-i 2.0
- AIR scales
Use these clustered attribute descriptions for advanced interpretation
of EQ-i results
- New!
AIR 2.0 scales
Use these clustered attribute descriptions for advanced interpretation
of EQ-i 2.0 results
- Updated
OCI scales
Use these climate descriptions when you interpret OCI results
score estimate sheet
Use this blank EQ-i profile sheet to manage an individual's
expectation of his or her EQ
MSCEIT scales
Use these descriptions of abilities when you interpret MSCEIT
- SEI scales
Use these scale descriptions when you interpret SEI results
score estimate sheet
Use this blank SEI profile sheet to manage an individual's expectation
of his or her EQ