Resource Centre
Case studies
ePsy and The Oslo Group assisted a global health-care
company to increase profitable sales by identifying and distinguishing
their best consumers from over 1.8 million Canadian households. The
client can now attract and retain valuable consumers through an integrated
process of empirical research and marketing.
Food chain
In association with an EI
organisation in the UK, executive management of a large food chain in
the UK wanted research on how the psychological make-up of servers was
associated with the quality of service that customers received. ePsy
found that servers were strongest in interpersonal relationships, happiness
and flexibility on the job, while their social responsibility,
optimism and impulse control when serving others can benefit from further
A prominent primary school
enhanced learning through deeper understanding of their students. The
primary school teachers have long realized that there is more to academic
and life success than depending on mere IQ, memory and repetition when
learning. Standard aptitude testing and achievement evaluations were
already in place. ePsy assessed, profiled and correlated the personality
style, team role and emotional intelligence of the students with their
SAT scores and academic achievement. Teachers could now strategically
organize their students into work groups based on models that brought
out complimentary team roles, harmonious personality styles and supporting
emotional competence, while reckoning with the implications of what
their own profiles bring to the classroom.
In conjunction with GCA
Research, a leading Canadian beer company tracked the beer drinking
patterns of local customers over an extended period of time. Beer brand
images as well as the characteristic personal qualities of beer drinkers
were associated with their favourite brands. These correlations differ
across age, province, region, language, frequency of beer brand purchase,
and beer type, resulting in thousands of cross-tabulations. ePsy also
redesigned the format of the deliverable to make these statistics more
accessible to brand managers.
years ago, four major banks in South Africa decided to amalgamate. From
the perspective of employee restructuring, the task proved to be daunting.
New branch teams needed to be formed to function effectively under the
integrated company name. To illustrate the scale of the challenge, in
a single province, 813 employees performed on managerial level in the
branches of the four banks. The new bank was equipped with a refined
system to optimize the formation of highly effective teams.