fuels our business
ePsy helps businesses understand the way people –
consumers, employees, prospects – act, and how best to tap into these
series of actions.
We draw upon databases of any size, and mine those
maintained by businesses. ePsy understands the power of data, and knows
how customer records fuel, connect and unlock.
We maximize the value of your customer data to make
the difference you need. This difference forms a basis for strategic
business planning and decision-making, because customer expectations
are becoming increasingly more sophisticated.
The services that we provide, draw upon a variety
of approaches, including psychology, sociology, education, philosophy,
research methodology, statistics, marketing and organizational behaviour.
Performance: More than the sum of data parts
Data are pieces of information about customers’ behaviours
or daily routines. By putting these together with business intelligence,
we can begin to understand typical and top performances of customers.
Defining performance involves emphasizing its attributes
and key benefits for customers. To do so, we must recognize that performance
consists of more than a bundle of tangible, functional attributes; its
intangible, emotional benefits, and how these play out together frequently
serve as the basis for long-term competitive differentiation and sustained
The goal of measuring performance, or its manifestation
in leadership, productivity, or success and well-being, is to uncover
its relevance for customers and to distinguish their performance from
those of others. Trends and patterns can be depicted when studying the
performance of groups. When these are set against an outcome measure,
it becomes predictable. The power of prediction lies in the fact that:
- Businesses expect customers to behave more or less consistently;
their behaviour will likely not change soon.
- Customers convey a distinct image of themselves through their
Cost-effective performance development and channelling
of targeted behaviour depend on knowing precisely what customers care
about and tailoring the performance behaviour accordingly.
Sophisticated psychometric and analytic approaches
provide precision only when coupled with conceptual clarity when defining